Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Many a times I felt lost because I couldn't explain the things the way I wanted. Often times I was unable to explain my thoughts in a easy to follow manner. Am I different? am I different than most other persons around me. Well, that is something for people around me to judge. But sometime I myself fail to judge me. It is a difficult situation, a depressing and upsetting one. Once I left that place of discussion, I realize I should have said it this way. May be back in my mind I am too much concerned about the feelings of the people around me. I never wanted to hurt themselves or their feelings, I wanted to respect their feelings and due to which sometimes I hold myself back to say what I wanted to say.

At those moments of life, I wanted to be eloquent, and may be persuasive as well. I envy those people who are eloquent, smart and persuasive. I wanted to be like them. I know it is not easy perhaps it require a lot of practice. Fear of rejection is one that keep people from putting their effort in something they love. May be that is something holding me back as well. But let me put my fear aside. For the moment no matter what, I will keep pressing the keys in my keyboard, whether it make a sensible write up or not. I will stay motivated and keep pursuing my goal of becoming a persuasive and eloquent writer and speaker. I will make it a personal goal for this year..

Let's see how far I can progress

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Writing Habit

I am not a writer. I didn’t write many pieces of article in my life. But for some unknown reason I have put creative writing and technical writing as my skills in my odesk profile. Well, I have written few technical proposals and technical cases  due to the requirements of my previous job.  Having seen people appreciated my writing skills I thought I should put my efforts here to make some improvements and there are still a lot of space for improvement.

Writing is not an easy task and I am not good at it. I can recall only one of my published writing in a university blog. Well! I didn't send my writings to places for publications and moreover I didn't try writing much. But now I feel, I should explore this area as its a good way to communicate once thoughts into expression. Our writing can show us how much of our message we can get across to other people. Unless we try we are not going to get what we desire. Enough for my first piece of writing. enough for today. Lets continue with some topic in mind.